Elimu is a small business with 14 employees. Our official base is California but we’re a fully virtual company with employees from Boston to Honolulu. Our line of work includes health informatics broadly, with much of it being related to clinical decision-support, knowledge management, precision medicine, and terminologies.

We contribute to the development of HL7 standards including FHIR. We have made major contributions to the HL7 FHIR Genomic Operations IG and the SDOH Clinical Care IG. In the past, our team members were among the principal authors of the HL7 CDA/CCD specifications, the Clinical Decision Support Knowledge Artifact Specification, and the GELLO specification. We participate in HL7 WGMs, Connectathons, DevDays, and when it was around, the FHIR Roundtable

We work with a number of healthcare organizations and vendors in helping them adopt FHIR including SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks, and CQL, within their applications.

Service Area


Services / Products

  • Custom Software Development
  • Consulting / Professional Services
  • SMART on FHIR Apps
  • CDS Hooks services
  • Knowledge Management
  • Terminology Mapping/Valueset Development
  • FHIR Registry Design/Integration

Industries Served

  • Hospitals / Hospital Systems / Providers
  • Health Insurance / Payers
  • Specialty Healthcare Providers
  • Ambulatory Services / Primary Care
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Research Institutions
  • Government Administration
  • Health IT Vendors
  • Social Care
  • Community Care
  • General Practices
  • Research Institutions
  • Primary Care
  • App Developers